8 Prenatal Yoga Poses

Disclaimer: I am not a physician, or a physical therapist, or a personal trainer, or a medical professional.  Occasionally people ask me about health issues because I teach kids and teens yoga.

A recent question from a teacher: What are some good yoga poses for pregnant women?

I am NOT an expert on prenatal yoga, but I did look up a source (BabyCenter.Com) and this is what was recommended:

1. Cobbler's or Butterfly pose: This sitting pose helps open the pelvis. If you are very loose-jointed in your hips, make sure your "sit bones" are well grounded on the mat or blanket (gently pulling the flesh on each side of your bottom out a bit will help you find the right position). Place pillows or rolled-up towels under your knees to avoid hyperextension of your hips.

· Sit up straight against a wall with the soles of your feet touching each other.
· Gently press your knees down and away from each other, but don't force them apart.
· Stay in this position for as long as you're comfortable. 

2. Pelvic tilt or Cat-Cow: This position helps relieve back pain, a common problem during pregnancy.

· Get on your hands and knees, arms shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart, keeping your arms straight, but not locking the elbows.
· Tuck your buttocks under and round your back as you breathe in.
· Relax your back into a neutral position as you breathe out.
· Repeat at your own pace. 

3. Squatting: The author recommends that her prenatal yoga students squat every day to relax and open the pelvis and strengthen the upper legs. As you start to feel heavier in pregnancy, use props such as yoga blocks or a few stacked books on which to rest your bottom. Focus on relaxing and letting your breath drop deeply into your belly.

· Stand facing the back of a chair with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, toes pointed outward. Hold the back of the chair for support.
· Contract your abdominal muscles, lift your chest, and relax your shoulders. Then lower your tailbone toward the floor as though you were going to sit down on a chair. Find your balance — most of your weight should be toward your heels.
· Take a deep breath and, exhaling, push into your legs to rise to a standing position. 

4. Side-lying position: This is a good resting pose for the end of a practice.

· Lie on your left or right side with your head resting on your arm or a blanket.
· Put a body pillow or blanket roll between your thighs to give your hips some support.
· If you're in a yoga class, your instructor may guide you through some breathing exercises. 

Other good poses during pregnancy: Try the standing postures -

5. Warrior I

6. Warrior II

7. Tree

These poses help strengthen your joints and improve your balance. Warrior poses can also ease backache and sciatica.  

8. Downward-Facing Dog can energize your whole body, but it's best not to do this position in your third trimester. Your yoga instructor or doctor may recommend variations on any of these classic poses.

1 comment:

  1. Great yoga poses like this article. you done a great job by write this article and share your experience. :)
