Yoga Inspired Tips for Stress Management

Fake it ‘til you become it.  Smile when you feel angry or sad, even if just for a few seconds; this redirects energy and may make you happier.

Yoga is a practice, it is NON competitive – engage in a non-competitive activity.

Practice belly breathing instead of chest heaving anxiety breathing.

Breathe calmly in and out through your nose in a comfortable seated or supine position.

Find a short mantra and repeat it with eyes closed a few minutes each day.  For example, “I am powerful.”  “I am perfect as I am.”  “I love life.”  “I will get through this.” 
“Everything is already ok.”

Take a warm bath and meditate in the tub.

Give yourself some self-love by doing a Child’s Pose (Balasana) or, Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani) anytime you need one.

Find a drishti (focused gaze on one point that is not moving) and stare at it as you empty your mind.

Relax your shoulders, neck and jaw.

Laugh!  Watch a comedy or surround yourself with people who crack you up, and belly laugh ‘til it hurts and your eyes water.  Be silly and playful.

Cry.  Let it go.  Don’t hold it all inside, let it out, weep, and then breathe and move on.

Listen to music that inspires, calms or excites you.

Be creative.  Take a photo, draw a picture, wear an outrageously colorful outfit, sing a song, design a collage, make a video, play an instrument…

Do a backbend or chest opener.  Backbends are nature’s caffeine.  They wake you up and give you courage.

Read books or magazines that inspire you.  Watch movies that calm and comfort you.

Take a walk outdoors without headphones on.  Think and reflect.

Connect with someone.  Share your feelings, let it out – you will instantly feel better.

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