Yoga Poses for Lower Back Pain

Have you noticed that very few people have ulcers anymore?  Low back pain is the new ulcer.  Read about this low back pain theory in John Sarno's book, The Mindbody Prescription.

Do you sometimes experience low back pain?  Most people do, whether they have sedentary or active lifestyles.  Here are a few yoga poses to help alleviate low back pain.  I suggest you do them in the order listed, and end with your version of Savasana in a comfortable, quiet, relaxing place.

Please consult a healthcare professional before doing yoga if you have back pain issues.  Make sure you have approval before starting any new exercise routine.

On your back (Supine)

Knees to chest (Apanasana)

Hamstring stretch (Supta Padangusthasana)

Thread the Needle/Reclining Pigeon


Reclined twist (Supta Matsyendrasana)

On your belly (Prone)

Low Cobra (Bhujangasana)

Sphinx Pose

On your hands and knees

Cat (Marjaryasana)

Cow (Bitilasana)

Cow/Cat together

Inhale cow, Exhale cat

Child's Pose (Balasana)

On your feet

Half Sun Salutations (Modified Surya Namaskar A)

1. Place hands at the heart in Tadasana  

2. Inhale the arms up

3. Exhale swan dive forward with a flat back and slight bend in the knees

4. Inhale halfway up, place hands to shins, with a flat back

5. Exhale, fold with a slight bend in the knees if necessary

6. Inhale, reverse swan dive up with flat back, bringing the arms up

7. Exhale the hands back to your heart

Note: "Flat back" means neutral spine.

Squat/Garland (Malasana)
with a block

On your back (Supine)

Circle knees over chest both directions (Apanasana variation)

Legs up the Wall (Viparita Karani)


Legs over a chair

Corpse Pose (Savasana)


  1. Great post!! What an uplifting and inspiring review of yoga poses for Lower Back Pain! When I was suffering from this problem I used online yoga videos. Actually I was not in the position to travel to yoga studios at that time. These yoga videos helped me a lot!!

  2. Thanks to this..step by step and I am doing each of the photos :) No matter what ails your aching body, or if you just want to take your fitness to a higher level, power yoga's ability to build muscle has an undeniably effect on the total body.


  4. Yoga is the best exercise to take to remove the back pain and make the body of a man efficient but along with the Chiropractor North Ryde is also beneficial for the people to remove the stress and pain of the back of the human and it is a best option for them to remove the pain and stress from the body.

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