Restorative Yoga for All Ages

If you have a bad habit every night from 8-9pm, replace it with a good habit every night from 8-9pm. Why not give a restorative yoga pose a try?

I found this great website and resource for Restorative Yoga. What is Restorative Yoga?


Restorative yoga is a deeply relaxing and revitalizing practice that encourages rest and resets the body, mind and spirit. Deep relaxation is achieved when the body feels it is in a nurturing and supportive environment. This type of environment engages the parasympathetic nervous system allowing for improved digestion and the reduction of muscle tension, chronic stress, fatigue, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar levels. While the body relaxes in restorative yoga poses, health is promoted throughout all of the body systems.

Restorative yoga facilitates this deep relaxation through the use of yoga props including blankets, straps, pillows, eye bags, wedges, and blocks which enable well-supported postures.

Restorative Poses come in several varieties. Here are some examples:

Restorative Backbends/Chest Openers

Restorative Forward Folds

Restorative Inversions

Restorative Twists

Classic Restorative Poses

To see a more complete list, go HERE.

Give yourself this gift of a few, uninterrupted minutes of mind-clearing, relaxing, healthy restoration.

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