Yoga for Athletes, Autism and ADHD

Full disclosure, I am not a special education teacher or expert, but I have taught yoga to autistic children ages 9-14 and have received positive feedback from the students and their parents.  More disclosure, I am not an athletic trainer, but I have taught yoga to teen female soccer teams, teen male baseball teams and youth hockey teams.  And, I am not an ADHD expert, but I have a son who was diagnosed with ADHD and I learned about this disorder through professional health experts, books, teachers and many years of experience raising my now grown son.

Why is yoga therapy beneficial for kids with autism?
  • It offers mental calmness
  • It meets children where they are
  • It reduces anxiety
  • It can help reduce obsessive behaviors
  • It offers an opportunity to be social
  • It can reduce pain and aggression
  • It is fun and challenging
  • It offers more control in the regulation of emotions
  • It aids in breathing and digestion (taking them out of flight and fight mode)
  • It enables them to feel more comfortable and calm in their bodies
Related Link: YogAutism

Why is yoga helpful for ADHD?
  • It offers mental calmness and centering
  • It isn't competitive
  • It teaches children how to focus and concentrate
  • It can help reduce obsessive behaviors
  • It gives them tools for blowing off steam in the classroom and at home
  • It can reduce pain and aggression
  • It is fun and challenging
  • It offers more control and awareness of emotions
  • It aids in breathing and digestion (taking them out of flight and fight mode)
  • It enables them to have greater body awareness
  • It shows them how to channel high energy
Related Link: Yoga and ADHD

Why is yoga beneficial for young athletes?
  • It relaxes anxious and over stressed minds
  • It teaches athletes breathing techniques improving focus and concentration
  • It can help reduce joint and muscle pain
  • It helps correct muscle imbalance
  • It increases flexibility and opens up tight areas that hinder performance
  • It is challenging and core strengthening
  • It can aid in injury prevention
  • It allows athletes to recover faster after intense workouts
  • It improves range of motion
  • It helps correct poor body mechanics and posture
  • It teaches athletes about the mind body connection

If you are between the ages of 8-80 and would like to learn more about where I teach in the Reno area, please contact me at  You will benefit from my classes if you have ADHD, autism, are an athlete, or just want to give yoga a try.  

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